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فایل اکسل لیست کتب همراه با مشخصات بیشتر در مورد هر کتاب را از اینجا دانلود نمایید.
Title | Author | Year |
Field guide to sedge species of the Rocky Mountain region : the genus Carex in Colorado, Wyoming, western South Dakota, western Nebraska, and western Kansas | Barry C. Johnston | Forest Service |
Impact of climate change on water resources in agriculture | Rodrigues, Renato de A. R.; Zolin, Cornelio Alberto | 2016 |
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 15 | Eric Lichtfouse (eds.) | 2015 |
Diversification of Agriculture in Eastern India | Madhusudan Ghosh, Debashis Sarkar, Bidhan Chandra Roy (eds.) | 2015 |
Conservation agriculture | Muhammad Farooq, Kadambot H. M. Siddique (eds.) | 2015 |
Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions: Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture | Ben Lugtenberg (eds.) | 2015 |
Conservation Agriculture | Muhammad Farooq, Kadambot H. M. Siddique (eds.) | 2015 |
New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture | Denise Phillips, Sharon Kingsland (eds.) | 2015 |
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